A Barcode in the Right or Wrong Place
The barcode on this magazine cover was misplaced, creating an optical illusion of a very tiny mustache that happened to resemble a particular individual. It adds a humorous twist to power and politics, as if he’s trying out a new look for his next meeting with world leaders. The image has a surreal quality to it, but unless he’s a fan of old-school Germany, Russia’s current leader probably wouldn’t approve of this look.

This picture captured an iconic moment of a magazine cover that intended to feature Putin’s face, but the barcode ended up creating a very comical optical illusion.

The daughter was understandably upset and shocked that her mother had just spoiled what could have been the most significant surprise and moment of her life.

She repeatedly sent a picture with her finger blocking the entire screen, making it impossible to see whether it was a beautiful day or not.
Spoiling the Biggest Surprise of Her Life
It’s no secret that older folks often struggle with using smartphones. Their texting skills aren’t always up to par, and they often make mistakes. But this might just be the worst one yet. This woman’s mom was trying to text her son about a surprise marriage proposal but accidentally sent the message to the person being proposed to!

She indicated that with talk like that, a woman is more likely to be in the kitchen when he’s around than in his bedroom, which does make sense.
Knowing When to Give up
There’s nothing more frustrating than going on a trip with someone you hope will take good pictures of you, only to find they always manage to get their finger in the corner of the picture, partially covering the lens. This mom did just that, except over text, as she tried to send a picture of what a beautiful day it was to her child.

“I ignored my wife’s advice that a bow and arrow would be a bad present.”
If you give your child a bow and arrow, you should anticipate that it might not end well. The nurse in the corner appears just as puzzled as the man’s wife likely was when he brought the toy home for their child. Although it was his son who fired the arrow, the father was the one standing in front of the target. It’s important to always stand behind someone shooting a bow and arrow to avoid getting hit, as this man learned the hard way.
The Office Keyboard Bandit Strikes Again
The Office Keyboard Bandit Strikes Once More In the typical office environment, there’s always room for a little mischief. One fateful day, a mischievous keyboard thief struck again, concocting a devious plan to stir up some alphabetical chaos. With the stealth of a seasoned sneak, this individual stealthily navigated between desks, swapping the ‘M’ and ‘N’ keys on every keyboard in sight. As unsuspecting colleagues arrived for their workday, they were greeted with a perplexing challenge: a barrage of misspelled emails awaited them, courtesy of the cunning keyboard bandit.

The confusion caused by the ‘N’ and ‘M’ key swap spread through the office like wildfire, eliciting a wave of laughter amidst the backdrop of routine work, lunch breaks, and the constant hum of buzzing laptops. Just when everyone thought they had seen the last of the keyboard bandit, they struck again, adding another layer of amusement to the office dynamic.
A Coworker’s Stick Figure Sticky Note Saga
In the midst of the office scene, a creative soul discovered the ideal outlet for injecting some humor: sticky notes. Armed with an assortment of vibrant sticky notes and a trusty marker, they embarked on a mission to craft a whimsical cartoon strip, destined to bring a smile to their colleagues’ faces and inject a dose of office motivation. Strategically positioned for all to see, the comic strip unfolded the adventures of a stick-figure superhero navigating the treacherous waters of financial debt, serving as both entertainment and inspiration in the workplace.

This saga had the power to elicit laughter from even the sternest manager, captivating the entire office with its humor. It served as a testament to the comedic genius of its creator, leaving everyone amused and entertained. As a valuable lesson for future job seekers, it underscored the importance of seeking out workplaces with individuals who possess such a delightful sense of humor.
An Office Birthday That Went Royal Pink
Amidst the routine hustle and bustle of office life, a coworker’s birthday unfolded into a scene straight out of a fairy tale. Little did the birthday boy know, his female colleague had orchestrated a surprise fit for royalty. As he entered the office, he was met with a sight that was impossible to ignore: an all-pink extravaganza, complete with a wand and a sparkling birthday crown, fit for a princess. His workspace had been magically transformed into a birthday kingdom, an unexpected delight for all involved.

The priceless reaction captured in this photo, as he sits in his desk chair, is sure to bring a smile to anyone’s face. As each coworker passes by, they can’t help but burst into laughter at the sight, adding to the joyous atmosphere of the birthday celebration.
When a Newbie Outsmarts the Veterans
In a time-honored initiation prank, a group of seasoned office veterans decided to send a new recruit on a fool’s errand in search of the mythical “elbow grease.” Anticipating his return empty-handed and thoroughly befuddled, they looked forward to sharing a laugh at his expense. However, to their surprise, the tables were turned when the newcomer confidently strolled back into the workplace, not only unruffled but also triumphant, brandishing a bona fide bottle of cleaning solution aptly named ‘Elbow Grease.’

The way the new kid handled a non-existent request from the bosses to the managers and the jesting coworkers earned him widespread admiration. Everyone was impressed by his quick thinking and resourcefulness in turning what could have been an embarrassing situation into a moment of triumph.
Workplace Spill Turned Carpet Cat Masterpiece
We’re all familiar with the classic saying: “When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.” In this particular scenario, life presented a clumsy coworker with a sizable wine stain on the office carpet. Instead of succumbing to embarrassment, a resourceful colleague saw an opportunity for creativity. With quick thinking, they reframed the situation not as a problem, but as a blank canvas. Armed with a marker, they transformed the purple splash into an almost perfect depiction of a cat with just a few strokes.

The outcome showcased a remarkable display of artistic talent coupled with a generous serving of workplace humor. What could be more entertaining than abandoning your laptop momentarily for a spur-of-the-moment carpet-based art session? In this case, it served as both a creative expression and a clever cover-up for the wine stain, eliciting smiles and laughter from all who passed by.
Apple Mouse Gets a Retro Makeover
When a coworker proudly proclaimed her unwavering loyalty to the Apple brand, insisting on using only an official Apple mouse, her witty colleague saw an opportunity for mischief. After rummaging through storage, they unearthed a dusty relic from the past: an ancient wired Apple mouse. With a mischievous grin, they hatched a plan to swap her sleek wireless mouse with this vintage artifact, intending to inject a bit of hilarity into her workspace.

While technically fitting the category, the fact that this mouse was a vintage relic added an extra layer of humor to the situation. The expression on the woman’s face as she discovered the ancient mouse undoubtedly sparked a ripple of laughter throughout the office.
The Only No-Charge Charge in the Office
In the ordinary realm of office humor, a clever coworker found a way to deliver a punchline without uttering a word. Resting innocuously on a shelf sat a container brimming with lifeless batteries. Suddenly struck by comedic inspiration, someone affixed a note to it proclaiming “Free of Charge.” This simple yet witty gesture epitomized the humor that thrived within the workplace—a subtle revolution characterized by dad jokes and puns.

Amidst the usual chaos of office life, including managers, bosses, and computer crashes, this coworker’s comedic antics injected a dose of fun into every corner of the workplace. No mundane task was safe from their humor, as they found clever ways to lighten the atmosphere and brighten everyone’s day.
Coworkers React to a Mustache Debut
A coworker decided to make a bold style statement by sporting a brand-new mustache to work one day. Unbeknownst to him, his colleagues had a talent for turning facial hair into the focal point of office humor. When he returned to his desk the next day, he was met with a large collage of mustached faces—a playful tribute to his newfound facial hair and a testament to the office-wide mustache frenzy that ensued.

The mustache bash turned the office into a humor-filled gallery of facial hair enthusiasts, a scene so infectious that even the world’s toughest manager couldn’t help but join in for a couple of laughs.
An Office Hide-And-Seek Champion
In an unexpected twist, this workplace discovered an unlikely champion in the game of hide-and-seek: its own ceiling. One day, an employee with a penchant for horror noticed a conspicuous gap in the office ceiling tiles. Taking it upon themselves to inject some mischief into the workplace, they found the perfect solution: a hilariously terrifying picture of a clown to serve as a replacement. With this clever prank, they elevated their status to that of the office jokester, leaving their colleagues both amused and slightly unsettled by the unexpected surprise lurking above.

The startling discovery of a clown looming above would undoubtedly have elicited either a fit of laughter or perhaps even a moment of fright from his boss—and it’s easy to see why.
Where the Terminator Takes Over the Job
In a stroke of creative genius, one office worker transformed a mundane office gadget into a mini action movie poster. What was once a dull card reader now boasts the impressive likeness of Arnold Schwarzenegger, reminiscent of a scene straight out of The Terminator. The red laser was strategically positioned to emanate from the Terminator’s eye, adding a touch of Hollywood flair that most card readers can only dream of—after all, they’re just not cool enough.

Taking the iconic line “I’ll be back” to literal heights, this creative twist elevated the act of swiping into work to a whole new level. With the Terminator-themed card reader, entering the office became ten times more exciting and entertaining, adding a unique touch of fun to the daily routine.
A Fruity Blueberry Leak in Literal Terms
A playful mix-up in the supermarket’s fruit and veggie department led to a burst of laughter among the staff. When one coworker mentioned a “leak in the blueberry containment,” another employee saw the perfect opportunity for a bit of wordplay. Without hesitation, they placed a vegetable leek amidst the blueberry display, turning an ordinary workday into a slightly punnier affair.

This harmless yet unexpectedly hilarious prank swiftly lifted the spirits throughout the supermarket, if only for a moment. Its impact reverberated through every department, spreading laughter and cheer among staff members who couldn’t help but appreciate the clever and lighthearted gesture.
Nurse-Osaur Brings Jurassic Joy to Work
Amidst the seriousness of the COVID-19 department, a nurse injected a dose of joy with a touch of prehistoric humor and modern care. Donning a full dinosaur costume complete with a swaying tail, she roamed the hallways, bringing smiles to faces in need of upliftment. Her playful antics delivered much-needed fun to patients and staff alike, brightening the atmosphere in a place where laughter may have seemed scarce.

Witnessing a dinosaur take your vitals is undoubtedly a rare sight, but in the COVID-19 department, the appearance of the dinosaur nurse quickly became the most eagerly anticipated routine.
These Snoozing Googly Eyes Deserve a Promotion
Among those who can master the art of power-napping at their desks with undetectable skill, there’s one ingenious individual who took things to the next level. Displaying a remarkable blend of creativity, humor, and the universal desire for a quick snooze, he affixed sticky googly eyes to his glasses. With the fake eyes wide open, he indulged in a power nap, creating the illusion of being awake—at least, perhaps from a distance.

When a coworker approached him with a question, this was the scene they encountered. Naturally, the coworker couldn’t resist pulling out their phone and snapping a photo.
Forklift Fender-Bender Earns a Bubbly Uniform
If there were an award for the “most collision-prone employee,” it would undoubtedly be bestowed upon this particular worker. After attracting the attention of forklifts not once, but twice in a single week, his coworkers decided to intervene. Upon arriving at work one morning, he was greeted with a brand-new uniform: bubble wrap. From head to toe, they outfitted him in the bubbly material, much to the delight and amusement of everyone present.

This man’s new attire not only provides him with an extra layer of defense but also fosters an atmosphere of laughter that might be difficult to achieve during a challenging shift.
Four Bosses by Day, Office Avengers by Night
In the vast universe of ordinary workplaces, some bosses merely manage, while others transcend into full-on superheroes. Consider this office, where a coworker with a love for comics captured a candid shot of all his bosses dressed in costumes that could almost pass for the real deal. Straight out of everyone’s favorite Marvel film, these four managers are striking some pretty powerful poses, but mostly, they’re just having a good time on the job.

Whatever the occasion, it certainly strengthened the bond between bosses and coworkers in this workplace, which is invaluable considering that fostering a sense of community is integral to any office environment.
An Office’s Stealthy but Talented Origami Master
From sitting at the computer to reclining in desk chairs or even job hunting on the clock, most office days tend to follow a familiar routine. However, things took a delightful turn from the ordinary when an array of origami figures suddenly adorned everyone’s desks. What made it even more remarkable was that each piece was expertly crafted, with intricate details that left everyone in awe. It was as if Picasso had momentarily infiltrated a coworker’s mind, leaving everyone entertained for the day.

On this particular day, work became much more bearable, and we’re betting even the most stern office manager will be eagerly awaiting the next creation from the highly skilled origami master.
Coworker Got Too Creative With Their Creamer
The office refrigerator—a battleground where unmarked food and drink items often meet their untimely demise, pilfered by stealthy coworkers. But one valiant warrior and devoted coffee enthusiast had finally reached his limit. Employing a truly ingenious strategy, he began storing his cherished coffee creamer in breast milk storage bags. His cunning plan? To deter any potential milk thieves with a quick glance at the label, convincing them that this wasn’t the kind of milk they were seeking.

And just like that, the refrigerator became a theft-free zone for his creamer, which was essentially the goal. Suddenly, every coworker’s sticky fingers recoiled faster than ever before.
Cardboard Boss Keeps the Office in Check
In this office, employees don’t take advantage of the boss’s absence like in other workplaces. Instead, they’ve devised a clever solution to deal with their boss’s frequent absences: a cardboard cutout seated in the boss’s desk chair, appearing to be diligently working on his laptop. The cardboard boss even wears the manager’s uniform and sports a stern expression, effectively emanating the aura of “big boss energy” in the boss’s absence.

It’s always beneficial to have a semblance of authority in the office, even if that authority happens to be represented by a life-sized cardboard cutout for a week.
Downsizing The Typical Office Sugar Rush
When it comes to office pranks, size matters. Case in point? An office prankster who upended expectations by replacing the standard-sized donuts usually found in the break room with Cheerio-sized ones. At first glance, the box of micro-donuts might appear to be your typical morning sugar fix. However, upon closer inspection, every coworker began to realize they’d have to reassess their usual two-donut limit, since the new ones were barely bigger than a crumb.

From rainbow sprinkles to powdered sugar, these tiny treats even boasted their own unique flavors. It seems whoever crafted these delights was feeling particularly creative before their shift.
A Veterinarian’s Way to Measure Chunk
As a nod to internet culture, a coworker at a veterinary office introduced a “chonk chart” to humorously address overweight cats. This scale serves as a playful tool for assessing the hefty nature of their furry patients who may be indulging a bit too much. The routine task of weighing pets has now become a highly anticipated activity since the introduction of this sign, and it’s easy to see why—measurements just got a lot more adorable.

Not only does this ingenious chart spark a few laughs, but it also helps to alleviate the tense atmosphere that often accompanies vet visits. Even the chonkiest of cats will strut out of the office with pride.
A Spooky Spin to a Casual Friday Attire
This office took a delightful turn when someone embraced the Halloween spirit by dressing up as none other than the boogeyman from Tim Burton’s ‘The Nightmare Before Christmas.’ It felt as though the character had stepped right out of the movie and commandeered a coworker’s desk and chair, before settling in to work at his laptop and make a few calls.

Needless to say, this costume is both casual and quite spooky, but whoever’s behind it undoubtedly became the talk of the office and might even deserve consideration for a managerial position.
A Coworker’s Brand-New De Niro Desk Buddy
Office dynamics took an unexpected twist when a coworker, longing for the sight of a handsome man while working, found herself sharing desk space with none other than Hollywood legend Danny DeVito. However, she hadn’t embarked on a career in movie acting or managed to persuade the Emmy winner with her work ethic. Rather, her coworker had simply installed a life-size cardboard cutout of the actor for her friend to admire, almost fulfilling her wish in a whimsical way.

From now until forever, every time she glances over her shoulder, she’ll see the iconic actor striking his latest and greatest pose. DeVito would undoubtedly approve of this placement.
Christopher Walken Chills on This Office Fridge
Imagine being promised a walk-in fridge at work, only to discover it’s not a room full of chilled goods, but an ordinary fridge adorned with the gaze of Christopher Walken. That’s exactly what happened to a new coworker, who found themselves chuckling in the break room at the sight of the actor’s intense stare peering back at them from every inch of the fridge—a true masterpiece of vinyl wrapping that transformed a simple appliance into a work of art.

While coworkers might express their desire for a more substantial lunch storage solution and search for one online, it’s hard to imagine anything topping the novelty of Christopher Walken gracing the office fridge.
This Workplace Bathroom Unleashes Laughter
We’re all familiar with the potentially awkward nature of bathroom trips. However, one prankster has managed to inject some humor into the experience with a cleverly labeled door lock. In the office, there’s a sign that never fails to elicit laughter from coworkers. Instead of the typical “vacant” or “occupied” labels, this door lock presents two options: “poop with friends” for the unlocked side and “poop alone” for when it’s locked.

This might be the only thing that turns a bathroom visit into a giggle-worthy event, but we’re assuming that even the bosses have been caught laughing at this unexpected touch of humor.
A Restaurant’s Cinco De Mayo Flavor Fiesta
On Cinco de Mayo, in a bustling restaurant, one employee decided to infuse the kitchen with a taste of Mexico for the holiday. With a sombrero atop his head and a deep love for his culture, he embodied the essence of the celebration. Dressed proudly in costume and spirit, the team served up traditional Mexican cuisine to satisfy the cravings of hungry customers seeking an authentic experience.

Cinco de Mayo is always a cause for celebration, but there’s something special about picking up your tacos from a chef decked out in a poncho and sombrero from head to toe.
A Desktop Prank That Gallops Into Laughter
Here, we see an ordinary laptop screen resting on a desk, typically adorned with various work applications or perhaps a serene landscape wallpaper. However, instead of the usual tranquil mountains or calming ocean waves, a coworker discovered an unexpected surprise on this desktop after returning from their lunch break. What was once there has now been replaced with a photoshopped image of Nicholas Cage—but it’s not just any photo.

Nicholas Cage isn’t depicted in anything resembling his usual human form; instead, he’s been transformed into a hybrid creature that’s half Cage and half horse, complete with a speech bubble.
Tiny Sharpie Line Marks a Welding Rebellion
Atop each coworker’s workstation sits a subtle hint of a welder’s ingenuity: a small, Sharpie-drawn line on a magnet. It appears as an innocuous knob, easily overlooked amidst the typical workload of a normal day. However, this minuscule jest, invisible to the casual observer, represents a silent rebellion against the daily grind that welders face. Sometimes, finding ways to simplify tasks becomes essential.

The beauty of this gesture lies in its simplicity. It’s easy to envision the silent chuckles running through the culprit’s mind as they observe everyone working as if nothing has changed.
Office Prank Turns Stapler Into Orange Jello
This might be the epitome of culinary art and office trickery, all combined into one jiggly, yellow blob: a coworker’s stapler suspended within a matrix of orange gelatin. The recipient of this prank was left scratching their head in amused confusion, unprepared for such a dessert-themed problem during the usual routine of job searching and busy work. The amount of time every boss and manager spends staring at the mess is countless.

Not often do you encounter a stapler served as an office dessert, complete with a glossy jiggle that is somehow incredibly satisfying. Fortunately, retrieving the stapler won’t be too difficult.
An Office Mourns the Miniature Departed
In an unexpected break from job hunting and meeting deadlines, a peculiar scene unfolded: a somber gathering around a miniature coffin placed atop the lunch table in the common room. This insect funeral was orchestrated by a coworker with a fondness for bugs. The departed? A random, mummified cockroach. Colleagues gathered to pay their respects amidst scattered pens, laptops, desks, and chairs, laying down wilted flowers and even a miniature memorial card.

Indeed, a prank as intricate and diminutive as this one surely breaks up the monotony of a workday. Leave it to office pranksters to transform a roach’s demise into a memorable workplace event.
Office Mystery Box Turns Meme Sensation
While the usual sounds of keyboards clacking and phones ringing filled the office, there was something decidedly mysterious about a lone box nestled in a corner, untouched for months. The aura of mystery surrounding this unclaimed box piqued the curiosity of many. Eager to uncover its contents, someone adorned it with the infamous “what’s in the box” meme, transforming the simple cardboard curiosity into a pop-culture icon.

The hilarity undoubtedly lies in the suspense, serving as the perfect distraction from the monotony of work or the demands of a boss. The meme-enhanced box now occupies a place of honor in the office, eagerly awaited by all before anyone claims its contents.
There’s a Grumpy Cat Hanging in This Office
The grumpy office worker received a special gift in response to her discontent with a newly installed window – a curtain featuring the grumpy cat meme. It was a deliberate move by her humorous coworkers, who transformed her complaints into a prank inspired by internet culture. Carefully selecting the print for the curtains, they aimed for a blend of humor and practicality. It’s an inside joke that’s sure to circulate around the office for some time.

The selected curtain featuring the grumpy cat print stands out from the usual mundane office drapery, injecting a pop of color and a touch of humor into an ongoing complaint.
A Coworker’s Goodbye Baked With Pessimisim
This photo captures a distinctive office farewell ceremony characterized by a playful yet passive-aggressive atmosphere. What distinguishes this scene from typical farewells is the centerpiece: a cake bearing the message “Goodbye Traitor.” The coworkers behind this creation skillfully combine sweetness with sass, playfully teasing the departing colleague who has secured a new job. While farewells are typically emotional, this one is anything but somber.

The office culture here clearly embraces a certain type of humor, and there’s nothing quite like taking a break from your desk to enjoy some delightfully twisted farewells.
They Took Car Complaints to New Lanes
This work photo captures a creative prank aimed at a self-proclaimed car hater. Instead of his usual cubicle setup, his desk now faces a makeshift bike lane created by his coworkers. Chairs, computers, and even the boss’s desk seem to be navigating the new eco-friendly route laid out on the carpet. It’s safe to say that the car-hater will be reconsidering his commute to work from now on.

There’s a certain charm to office pranks that sets them apart from ordinary jokes. The coworker with a distaste for cars might want to consider updating their resume to avoid any more literal interpretations in the future.
Tim’s Job Searching Is Finally Over
Even though Tim stopped job hunting in 2021, it took a while for his dedication to be acknowledged by the company. In this photo, he proudly poses, eagerly awaiting the day when his coworkers, bosses, and managers would nominate him as the Employee of the Month. Fortunately, that day finally arrived, and he received the recognition he rightfully deserved.

Tim may not be sitting at a desk in front of a laptop or computer, but he’s taken on a much more challenging role: dancing outside in front of customers, no matter the weather.
Runaway Leech Caught On His Way To The Blood Bank

The leech grew tired of feeding on AB+ blood and opted for a visit to the blood bank in search of some delicious O-. This particular leech has a preference for blood from a universal donor. How long did they allow the leech to roam before returning it to its natural habitat? In case you didn’t know, leeches are still utilized in modern medicine to enhance blood circulation following reconstructive surgeries in areas with poor blood flow. They help by removing clotted or congested blood from these sensitive areas. Leeches have been employed for this purpose since ancient Egyptian times.
Eye Have My Eyes On You

If your anesthesiologist walked into the operating room sporting two sets of eyes, you’d likely question the contents of the IV drip. However, this doctor was simply injecting a bit of humor into their patients’ experiences, giving them the illusion of seeing double. While it may seem a tad mischievous, doctors often seek lighthearted moments to counterbalance the gravity of their work with trauma patients. It would be fascinating to learn who sketched the second set of eyes,
Things Started to Get Scary
Pregnancy had been smooth sailing for Alhanna until one day she began to feel sharp pains. At 16 weeks along, she suddenly started experiencing intense pain in her lower back.

The pain was so intense that she could barely speak or move. Ricky rushed her to the hospital, hoping for the best.
This Branding Fail Turns Into a Naughty Joke
Whatever’s happening here is like a jumbled word game gone wrong, where a simple work van suddenly has an inappropriate new identity as soon as the door opens. It’s not hard to imagine the reactions of people that drive past this van while the sliding door is wide open, since the unintentional message is hard to ignore. Whoever designed this probably should have double-checked the placement of the letters before completing the job.

The clothing and sock van here proudly displays its brand name on the door, but when the door closes, it quickly reveals a not-so-subtle message to anyone in sight.
Where The Twerk Knight Didn’t Rise
A group of soccer fans stands beneath a float that resembles Batman mid-dance move, complete with a cape and pointy ears. Surprisingly, it’s just a gopher, but at first glance, it appears to be the Caped Crusader himself. Despite being a giant animal rather than a hybrid, the illusion still provides plenty of laughs.

This picture captures a moment that can only be described as a cross between a comic book and wildlife, where Batman and his twerking are somewhere in between the two.
A Fish Naming Gone Very Wrong
After what was likely careful consideration, a touch of childlike humor likely influenced the scientists who chose the name “Dongfish.” While the name may seem peculiar, its description and features are even more so, yet somehow fitting. Despite its suggestive shape and peculiar “horngus,” it all seems to come together in the end.

The naming process for this creature definitely raised a few eyebrows, both within the scientific community and among ordinary people like us. Perhaps the reasoning behind its peculiar and generally uncomfortable appearance contributed to the choice of name.
The 800B Doctor Room Dilemma
The arrangement of numbers on this door is undeniably peculiar, with the two curvy shapes seemingly fitting well with the fact that it’s a doctor’s office for women’s health. It’s possible that this number was chosen humorously, and the building managers might be perpetually pranking anyone who walks by. Needless to say, Room 800B might just be the most requested room in the doctor’s office.

The room number, 800B, seems innocent enough at first glance. However, patients making their way down the hallway can’t help but do a double-take as they approach the door.
Michael Jackson’s Ghostly Return
Twitter users are currently left scratching their heads after someone changed Michael Jackson’s pronouns on Twitter to he/him. Some would consider this a case of time travel or a glitch in the matrix, while others could say that Jackson has suddenly returned from the grave to make a statement about his personal gender identity. The truth may never be known, but we’ll just go with whatever seems the most realistic at the moment- time travel.

Even though the legendary musician passed away over a decade ago, Michael Jackson’s pronouns were just recently changed on Twitter- the internet is never going to let this one go.